
Our Standard Session Fees

Dr. John VanderKaay

The standard rate for 50 minute counseling sessions with Dr. John VanderKaay is $185.

Julie Forman

The standard rate for 50 minute coaching sessions with Julie Forman is $45.

Group Fees

The standard rate for our group sessions is $35

We do not charge different rates for individual, couples, or family counseling.

Counseling and coaching are investments in your life and those in relationships with you. It is an investment that can pay huge dividends for the rest of your life!

We expect our clients to invest not only their finances, but their time and other abilities into resolving the concerns that bring them in to see us. If our rates are impossible for you to pay, we often have scholarship funds that could reduce the cost of getting the help you want. Contact us to request a Scholarship Request Form.

Why don't we accept insurances?

A therapist has to diagnose someone to get reimbursed.

When a mental health provider directly bills your insurance for counseling or psychotherapy services, your insurance requires a lot of personal information about you to ensure that you have a “medical necessity” which requires the need for mental health and counseling services.  “Medical necessity” means that you have a mental health diagnosis that is severe enough to be impacting your daily functioning, meaning your ability to get your day to day things done (e.g. work, school, social interactions, activities of daily living such as bathing, eating, etc.). This means that a therapist directly billing your insurance needs to make a strong justification for what your diagnosis is and how it impairs you from being a functional individual.

Insurance doesn’t reimburse for “marriage therapy” or “I’m having a hard time” or even “grief”. It is a medical model, and so this means that payment can only be for a diagnosis. This means that (even in family therapy) one person must receive a label. And these labels will be part of your official record, permanently. This might never matter to you. If you are one of the fortunate ones who has medical, life and disability benefits through your employer… you might never worry about this. But if you’re someone who might ever be unemployed, self-employed, or need to purchase your own benefits- a mental health diagnosis can make the difference between preferred coverage or none at all.

Your care is dictated by the insurer.

Most insurance requires some sort of treatment plan to be submitted by in-network providers. This means that (rather than giving you the care that best fits your needs) the therapist is responsible to the claims representative (usually a non-mental health professional) for how you spend your time. To put it simply, an in-network therapist works for the insurance company, not you. It doesn’t matter what you and your therapist decide is in your best interest, it needs to fit their matrix of decisions. It also must fit within the allotted sessions which are determined ahead of time, not based on need.  Also, this treatment plan becomes a part of your permanent record with the insurance company.

Your records are not protected.

Your insurer can audit your records at any time they wish. This means any details that your therapist might not have included in the paperwork (perhaps for good reason) is technically open to the eyes of any “claims specialist” the company hires. Again, this might not matter to you. But if you hold high clearance for a job or have other reasons you want your information to be held confidential, this is important to know.

Article: Why I Left The Network

“It is often the insurers, not the therapists, that determine who can get treatment, what kind they can get and for how long. More than a dozen therapists said insurers urged them to reduce care when their patients were on the brink of harm, including suicide.”

Learn more here:

Additional Options For Paying for Your Investment

Should you have any questions after clicking the links below, feel free to contact our offices by phone, text or email for additional information.

The Wounded Warrior Project

Care for service members, veterans, and family members


A third party that permits individuals to submit claims to insurance for out of network providers.


Dr. John is a Non-Network, Non-Participating TRICARE Certified Provider.  This means that you can use your Tricare Point of Service option with us.  

Pay Pal Credit

A credit option that offers 6 months 0% interest for those approved

In-House Scholarship

Limited availability scholarships funded by our generous donors